years of study

28 %

of the students go abroad

76 %

pass the first year without repeating

Bachelor Life Sciences - minor Humanities | Undergraduate

Full-time study

Sciences and health

A 3-year training in Biology integrating the challenges of life in our society.

Discover our
Bachelor in Life Sciences – minor Humanities

A general scientific preparation

The training is made for students who wish to specialize in Biology while integrating the challenges of life in our society.
It is about acquiring theoretical knowledge in fundamental sciences, bringing a methodology of the experimental scientific approach and giving a capacity of reflection on the interrogations in biological sciences.

The training opens up to the bio-industries (pharma, veto, biotech, cosmeto, etc.), basic and applied research in Life Sciences, journalism and scientific mediation…

An interdisciplinary reflection on the challenges of life in our societies

In connection with the course of Biology, an epistemological and ethical reflection on the scientific fact is proposed, by a multidisciplinary approach combining Philosophy, Human and Social Sciences, supplemented by an artistic approach.

A crossover between the contents of Biology and the questions arising from the teachings in Humanities is proposed:

  • on the one hand: the relationship of Human to others and to the world
  • on the other hand: topical subjects involving the Life Sciences.

For example: How is Human different from an animal? Can science explain everything? Are there ethical limits to scientific research? What is characteristic of the scientific approach?

This training is the only one in France to offer this cross between Biology and the Humanities.

The bachelor degree

Field: Sciences Technologies Health
Mention: Life Sciences
Major: Biology – Minor: Humanities

It validates 180 ECTS.


It is the only Bachelor in France to offer a solid teaching in Biology, crossed with Human and Social Sciences. The Humanities modules offered each semester are opportunities for openness and personal reflection for students, around themes related to the Life Sciences but addressed by Human and Social Sciences, Philosophy and artistic approaches.


The three years of the License make it possible to cover the entire field of Biology in a demanding manner. The program in Biology aims to achieve a good mastery of the disciplinary field of Biology while remaining generalist.

It is progressive, starting with reminders in chemistry and the basics of biology at the beginning of the year 1 to reach in year 3 the systems biology and the biotechnologies, among others.


It is during the last semester of the 3rd year that the student can go to a partner university.


Different personal development activities are offered, in particular through the “International Solidarity in Health and Environment” module.


The Humanities modules in the Bachelor program aim to deal with the challenges of life sciences in our societies, by enriching the reflection of students with a multidisciplinary approach bringing together Philosophy, Human and Social Sciences, supplemented by an artistic approach.

Examples of themes dealt with in the Humanities modules:

  • “Health and disease”: disease psychology and anthropology, complementary medicine …
  • “Ecology and society”: impact of human activities on ecosystems, sustainable development, decline …
  • “Bioethics”: research ethics, care ethics, ethics of health data …
  • History of knowledge: what difference between demonstration and experimentation, what is proof …
  • Business and humanism: CSR, work ethics, management ethics …


A mandatory 7-week internship allows you to test your professional project and prepare for further studies.


  • Bio-enterprises: pharmaceutical, veterinary, biotechnology, cosmetology industries…
  • Life Sciences Research Laboratories
  • Design offices, consultancy firms, territorial structures responsible for environmental
  • management, etc.
  • NGO
  • Scientific writing, Science and Society services…
  • Primary schools, colleges, high schools…

Report and oral defense

The internship gives rise to the writing of a report, but also to the production of a video lasting 5 minutes. This more unusual work is presented during an oral defense.
To make this video, students are trained before and after the internship in the basic concepts of a video, in encoding formats, in editing, etc.


  • Engineer in Biotechnologies within ESTBB, with choice between 5 specializations
  • Masters in Life Sciences, Medicine Sciences, Agrosciences, Environment …
  • Schools of scientific engineers (biotechnologies, agronomy …)
  • National Veterinary Schools
  • Masters in Scientific and Technical Communication
  • Masters MEEF (Teaching, Education and Training Trades)
  • Management schools, specialized schools


A wide choice of sectors of activity are accessible, depending on the chosen course of study:

  • Bio-industry professions: pharmaceutical, veterinary, biotechnology, in vitro diagnostic, medical device, dermo-cosmetology, food industry, agro-chemistry …
  • Professions of fundamental and applied research in Life Sciences
  • Science journalism, scientific and technical mediation, etc.
  • Teaching professions

A complete and unique program in France

75 % Biology

15 % Humanities

10 % Transversal skills


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Discover the


The year 1 is devoted to the establishment of the scientific foundation and methodological tools for successful studies in higher education.

  • Biology : 16 ECTS
  • Chemistry : 5 ECTS
  • Transversal skills, English, personal development : 4 ECTS
  • Humanities : 5 ECTS


  • Biology : 11 ECTS
  • Chemistry : 5 ECTS
  • Transversal skills, English, personal development : 9 ECTS
  • Humanities : 5 ECTS


  • Biology : 21 ECTS
  • Transversal skills, English, personal development : 4 ECTS
  • Humanities : 5 ECTS


  • Biology : 21 ECTS
  • Transversal skills, English, personal development : 4 ECTS
  • Humanities : 5 ECTS

semester 5

  • Biology : 10 ECTS
  • Transversal skills, English, personal development : 4 ECTS
  • Humanities : 5 ECTS
  • 7-weeks internship : discovery of the professional environment and preparation for further studies, 11 ECTS

semester 6

  • Biology : 10 ECTS
  • Transversal skills, English, personal development : 15 ECTS
  • Humanities : 5 ECTS

It is possible to do the semester 6 abroad, at a partner university.