Build a partnership with ESTBB

Choose ESTBB for a hassle-free collaboration and let us take care of the rest !

What are the advantages of establishing a partnership with ESTBB?

As a university

A partnership would offer to our respective students the opportunity to study abroad.

Flyer for incoming student 24-25

Our academic partners


26% of our students go abroad for a semester

fin one of our partner universities.

Some of our partner universities

  • Europe : Maynooth University (Irlande), Queen's University à Belfast (Royaume-Uni), Jagellone University (Pologne), University of Applied Sciences (Autriche), Trondheim University (Norvège), University of Life Sciences (République Tchèque)
  • United-States : Eastern Connecticut University, Xavier University, Marshall University, University of Oregon, Portland State University, Oregon State University, Sourthern Oregon University, Western Oregon University, Clarkson University
  • Canada : St Francis Xavier, Université du Québec, Université Laval
  • Australia : Notre Dame University de Fremantle, Bond University, Université de Canberra
  • Philippines : Ateneo de Manila University

As a company

Our school trains the biotechs of tomorrow. Why not become a corporate partner and welcome our interns in your company?

Would you like to find out more about ESTBB, become a partner or welcome a student to your company?

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International Relations Director

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