The quality of UCLy's welcome for international students has once again been recognized by Campus France

UCLy's “Bienvenue en France” label was renewed on March 5. This is the institution's second label since 2019, demonstrating its strong commitment to the international community.

The result of a collective effort

Awarded the label for the second time in June 2023, UCLy validated its level 2 certification following a site visit on November 25–26, 2024. On this occasion, two “Bienvenue en France” label experts, accompanied by the Campus France label manager, visited UCLy. The two half-day sessions aimed to engage with staff working daily with international students, discussing their practices, as well as the services and support available. These discussions not only confirmed the institution's label status but also fostered fruitful exchanges with administrative, pedagogical, and student life representatives. Students themselves contributed, sharing their involvement in community life and their overall experience as international students at UCLy.

UCLy, the first Catholic university to receive this recognition!

UCLy is one of 151 French institutions to receive the label under the first version of the Label (2019-2023), paving the way for the other 4 Catholic institutes in France.

According to Campus France, 65% of international students in France are enrolled in a Bienvenue en France accredited institutions (11% of institutions are accredited at level 1, 67% at level 2 and 22% at level 3).

To always do better

This recognition should encourage us to pursue our commitment to our international students, as expressed by the ever-growing activity of the ISD – International Student Desk.

Far from resting on its laurels, UCLy has been keen on further developing interactions between French and International students, through its Buddy Program among other actions, and on offering a full support to the Departments which receive international students each year.

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